Monday, October 19, 2009

Get with the Plan!

New Orleans RnR is 18 weeks + race week...Boston seven weeks after that. Feet don't fail me now...(or hips, lower back, knees, butt and hamstring...) If I left anything out, cut me some slack!

Today was the first day of the new plan! I love being on a plan! I think I was in the military in another life. I need structure, and a schedule. I am attempting Pfitz 18/70 for the first time. God help me and my old lady legs. Technically, today was a rest day...which makes me laugh...but I did 5 recovery.

Jen and Lea and I are training together this cycle. I am going to get them to Boston. I just hope they wait for me...: - )

I am going to really, really try to keep the blog updated, I am just not good at it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A marathon is like a lifetime, and the time needed to read this race report...:- )

First, a big thank you for all the calls, messages, emails, FB, smoke signals that came my way before and after the race. It makes the pressure to succeed, immense...: - )

It was a wonderful day, minus the wind. I shared the bus ride to Hopkinton with a young girl from Duluth MN. She knew one person doing the race and planned to meet her at the Athlete's Village. To the uninformed, the AV is basically a refugee camp built for 25K runners. We camp out like homeless people waiting to leave to for our wave/corral.

As soon as we arrived, we headed for the port-o-potties...(those of you on the edge of your seat, I had my mom's phone with me...: - ) We started talking to a very amusing Canadian who did his best to keep my mind off the fact the line was not moving. Without thinking, I blurted out...'I hope I make to the starting line without wetting my pants!' Without missing a beat he said, 'it's a big day for all of us, we all have to have goals' I always fear I don't aim high enough.

We make it out of there incident free and find ourselves a spot to spread out my garbage bags and contemplate blowing up a raft I brought. We decided we didn't want to waste our breath. Not wanting to risk another potty line dance, I headed back in line and Christine said she would watch our stuff. So I start talking to two new girls, one mentions a race in Duluth she just did. I said, 'MN?' she said, yes! I told her I was with a girl from Duluth, looking for her friend from Duluth. At the same time, we both said, Christine?

I was happy to hook them up and now found myself sheparding three young girls whose combined age was probably still younger than me. We were all in the same wave, so I guided them through the bag check-in process and we headed to our corral. It was an uneventful start, other than the announcement that Bill Rodgers (former Boston winner) would be starting with us!

I wished them well and they all took off like you do when you are young and naive. Last year, I did everything they tell you not to, and I suffered all the repercussions they said I would. I re-read the article I blew off last year, a dozen times this weekend. It promised if I let everyone pass me, I would meet up with them later. So I let them all pass me.

I was a little nervous because my first mile split was faster than last year, but I was getting smoked. A wierd feeling came over me at the mile two marker. I thought, for the first time ever in a marathon, it is going to work today. I stuck with my plan, I remembered when course flattened out and pushed the pace. I slowed down on the declines. I practiced self-preservation.

The first highlight of the race came at 4.5. Amy Becker passes 4-time Boston champ Bill Rodgers...woo-hoo!

I told myself I could start to push it at mile 5, which I did. I also knew my mom and Melissa were trying to get to mile six. The thing with Boston, the wave of runners never stops. And I happened to be running near another Amy, who obviously had her name on her shirt because for 10 miles, all I heard was, 'Go Amy' and 'Go Canada'...weird. I was like, I will never see them, I will never figure out if they are yelling at me Amy, or the other Amy?

And then I heard Melissa, and made a bee-line for them flapping my arms bird-like, which has become my habit when I see people I know? I was taking in everything and I could see the people around them, cheering, getting excited for them...they found their runner! I gave my mom a quick hug and kept moving.

My adrenaline was kicking as I headed into Natick. So was the wind! Natick has a big open city square, nothing to trap the wind. I was ticked. But I remember last year...Natick was when I knew I screwed up. Screwed by mile 10 of a 26 miles, but Monday it wasn't like that, a big confidence boost.

Heading into Wellesley was another boost, last year at Wellesley, I didn't think I could finish. This year I rejoiced that the bad downhill was over, it was just another few miles to the hills, which I was looking forward to??

One thing didn't go as I hoped, I didn't eat enough pre-race, yes, read it again, Amy left food on the table. The result was having to dig into my gels earlier than I planned and I knew I didn't have enough 'food' to finish strong. So I started taking food from unwrapped who knows where it came from food...(and I thought of you Sandi while I was eating it...: - ) I ate popsicle? I took some gels from a stranger, one which made me want to hurl, but I recovered and spit a lot.

So I hit the hills at mile 16. I slowed down, a lot. I had a watch and a pace bracelet on, so I knew I was slowing down, but I didn't do anything about it...I don't know why. I love the hills. No one passed me and as promised, I recognized a lot of people that left me behind hours ago. And the crowds are just wonderful here, they will up the hills, lot's of tailgate parties, which could be distracting...: - ) But I was kind of out of my mind...I was losing speed and not doing anything to combat it. I can only think, because I was passing people, I thought I was going fast? And I kept thinking the hills ended at 21.5 and at 20, people are telling me I am at the top and I was very confused. Why is everyone celebrating, we ain't done?

And I think it is kind of pessimistic that they have about eight various medical tents at the top of Heartbreak Hill. It is a circus up there, you almost hate to crest the hill. They make you forget you still have to run 6 miles! So I crest Heartbreak Hill and snap out of it. I really can't explain the weird slow trance I was in on those hills.

So I head for Boston College where Kolleen, Brad, their two year old twins and Megan were waiting.

Wellesley gets all the attention, but really, the kids at BC are kept at bay by the National Guard. I don't think they get enough props for that. I really thought, there is no way I will see Kolleen, the place is a zoo, a drunk zoo, and the animals were crazy. At this point, I have left 'Amy' and 'Canada' behind and I am now running with someone named, 'USA?' I still hear the chant. In my mile 21 delirum, I thought I was on the basketball court with the Dream Team playing Ukraine or something?

But I hear Brad, he is on the left side of the road, I am on the right. I don't know how I heard him. I look over my shoulder and out of the corner of my eye, Kolleen is on the course, chasing me. I turn around and run to her, and hug her. She has dragged her husband and toddlers out here, for you, next year, I will wear yellow. I love you for many reasons, especially for being right there!

I was so lucky, I was having a great race, and I saw all my people, I found all the needles in a haystack! The adrenaline was kicking now!

On to Brookline. The last four miles, I know now, are a reward, for not screwing up the first 22. For everyone else, this was, 'Dead Man Walking'. Lots of runners giving into the ghost. The wind also really picked up here too. I was passing people, zig-zagging to get around them, actually getting frustrated with the 'slow people'. 3:35 was lost on the hills, but now I was fighting for 3:40.

Then a weird thing happened at mile 25. I felt a sharp pain in my foot I had never felt before. I took another step and it kind of moved. Then I said something I have never said in 13 marathons....'oh darn, I have a blister'...(I have actually never said that, but you get my drift.) At this point, the shredded quads, painful hip all became non-issues, it was the blister. But at mile 25 what do you do? Do what I have done for the last 8 months as my hamstrings, butt and hips threatened to shut me down. I just kept running.

So, I am turning on Hereford. This is the time to savor Boston, tell yourself, I am going to finish the Boston Marathon, that most runners, only dream of. I start my hyper-venilation avoidance plan. I start breathing in through my nose out my mouth, hoping to stay calm before I hit Boylston. I hit the turn with my arms over my head and just screamed. I made it in one piece, nothing was broken, not my body, not my spirit. And I never took my eyes off the finish line.

I hit the finish line with a joy I hadn't felt in a long time. A joy in earning my finish, on a challenging course on a challenging day. has some of the pictures already up. Normally, my race photo's look like I have just bitten something really sour and awful tasting. One race, I really focused on smiling for the camera. So I looked like someone who had just eaten something sour, who was trying to smile. Monday, I am all the pic's. I love it!

I had it in my head that I would pass on Boston in 2010 and go back in 2011. I don't know. I am runner and I love being with runner people. I think I need to go back and be with my people.

I am passing on a fall rest and focus on speed for shorter distances. Most of you know I have battled injuries since the summer. I have never been even 80%. I need to rest, I know that...but I can't wait to start running again...: - )

The stats, if you are still with me: 3:39:19, finished 10044, beating my starting number of 14736, by over 4500! I broke out my 5K splits, for the math people: 5K - 8:15 10K - 8:05 15K - 8:00 20K - 8:07 25K - 8:19 30K - 8:48 35K - 8:47 40K - 8:27 and the last 1.4M average - 8:10

A consistent 8:10 would have got me to 3:35...maybe next year...: - )? Most importantly, I requalified at Boston. Only 30% of all runners requalify at Boston. I am most proud of that. It was 14 minute improvement over last year.

Thank you again, to family, friends, co-workers. You all accomodated me over and over, with running schedules, Dr visits, or just letting me talk running...(reading this...: - )

A lot of running friends that never thought Boston was a goal, are now penciling it in. A lot of friends who feared they couldn't run from a burning building are now calling me for running shoe advice, (Kolleen, a nuetral shoe will go with anything...: -)

Bigger than any PR, is that you think I have the answers, that keeps me striving to stay ahead, especially ahead of Jennifer who is closing the gap way too quickly...: - )

A marathon is like a lifetime in 26 miles, elation and dread, joy and pain, hope and faith and at the finish line, you are just grateful to have had the opportunity.

leave you, (finally) with one of my favorite inspiration quotes, by Amby Burfoot, former Boston winner: "People run the marathon to prove that there is still triumph, and there is still possibility in the their lives."

I hope you all find your triumphs and unlimited possibilities!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Weather Blows...

So weather forecast has really taken a turn for the worst..rain, with 12 mph wind coming from the East...that would a 26.2 mile headwind!! Rock On!!

So, I am also having a difficult time with the racing shoes. Since I started wearing them on a few runs..I am feeling a 'thing' in my knee. I am at a difficult decision. Do I wear my old clunker shoes and wonder what might have been, at the finish line? Or, wear the racing shoes and pray I make it to the finish line, albeit, much faster. Can I live with wondering, what might have been?

This taper just sucks. I am broken physically, I have phantom pain everywhere, and now this. Taper usually doesn't get to me. In running you are owed nothing, it is simply what you have earned. Everyone has crappy runs during their taper.

FWIW...7 miles, 2@MP. I think everyone who is going to Boston is doing this workout today! It's Pfitz. It went well, though my garmin got lost on the route. And I missed three turns?

Oye, taper madness

Monday, April 13, 2009

Not all anxiety is in your head...: - )

It is crappy weather today here in Atlanta...I need to run, not sure if I can make out there in this rain...but my spirits are buoyed by the Boston weather: partly sunny, 51..please, please.

Yesterday was not a good run. 12 miles, the pace went fine, but I was 'anxious'. I kept telling myself, this is the last substantial run, nothing must go wrong, blah, blah, blah...I hope no one is eating right now, skip down a paragraph.

At mile 6.5, we stopped for water, (I was running with JW). I was overcome with a wave, that perhaps I was not suffering from anxiety and ran to the bathroom. Not all anxiety is in your head. Note to salmon and goat cheese or hot and sour soup on race weekend.

The shoes may ultimately do me in. I get knee and shin twinges that I don't get with my Landreth shoes. But I am not ready to give up the speed the Speed Stars give me.

My butt was incredibly tight post run. Lot's of stretching/rolling/icing. Some relief. I woke up at some point in the night with severe pain in my butt...but now that I am really awake, I might have been dreaming.

So week two of the taper, the final countdown, my butt hurts, my shoes hurt...and I am having a clothing crisis for race day....

Friday, April 10, 2009

It's not the mountain that we conquer, but ourselves..

We are now at 47 degrees, cloudy, pm rain. This keeps me busy on a low mileage week.

More shoe celebration! I ran 7 today, the first five, easish...the last two 7:48. It was fast, but it didn't hurt, except the twinge in my knee...

So, I went to pilates again last night...I liked it! I might even join the studio, gives you access to their gym, which would be helpful, as my gym membership has expired.

I treated myself to dinner at Whole Foods last night! This was after treating myself to pizza at lunch!? This is what my life is reduced to when I cut back on my running. I talk about my other hobby, food

MS called today with a garmin crisis, she was thrilled when I easily solved it, (my job title is, solution mgr...) and yesterday I got a got an email shoutout from HA, giving me credit for my running, and my motivations I have shared with her.

Where I am going with this...somewhere along the path, I have managed to share the joy and inspiration I find in running, and my friends are catching it. They come to me for advice and even credit me with some of their success. That gets me a little emotional, to see people do something, they never believed they could do, and they think I had a role in it? A friend told me recently, how lucky I was that I found my passion, and even luckier that I could share the passion and people respond. I think about that a lot, and I am very lucky..: - )

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Weather forecast as of April 9: Cloudy, 47 degrees...I'll take that one.

So, 10 miles today, horrible, but there is a silver lining. All marathoners gain weight in their taper..we hate it. I really started watching my food intake this week...and my scale appreciated it!

I have been waking up hungry, I haven't been hungry in years. I ate my regular 10 mile run breakfast and was hungry after two miles. By 7, I have nothing in the tank...and I knew it was my lack of food. This has happened before.

Easy way to solve this...I am on my third slice of pizza! Pregnant momma's need to 'feed the baby'...Amy needs to feed the marathon!

The skinny jeans I bought last night, should look great today....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Weather Digresses!

And so it is now, periods of rain. I would prefer, one period, at like 8 a.m., about when I am on the bus to Hopkington.

So, I did some research on an all-knowing message board I play on...and it IS the shoes! Who knew?

I am not running anxiety, boredom and material spending will peak today. Tonight is definately the mall. I am not in control, the Taper is.

One positive, I lost a pound yesterday? I am really trying to watch what I eat. Limited running and my normal unlimited eating...trouble for my jeans.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Weather Improves!!

Day 2 of weather obsession: Overcast with a high 46. Let's bank that one!! Maybe banking anything these days is a bad thing. Let's put it in the mattress!

I swam last night, first time since pre-Thanksgiving. I felt sharp the first oh, 25 meters...then my lack of swimming endurance set in. I did the short workout so I could be home in time for 24...priorities you know.

This a.m. I ran 6...the plan was closer to 10, but today is April 7 in the deep south and it is 35 degrees with wind gusts of 20 mph. Not my idea of a nice taper run. And since none of these runs really matter. I just did 6. It was slow, I think I am feeling the DOMS of Saturday, and that is ok.

Needling today, and...I might go to the mall...aay, the Taper Madness

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Taper Begins...

Today is the first day of my Boston 09 taper. I get a little crazy. All the running, all the training, all the everything...and now I cut back and relax. Right.

I go into this on a very positive note. I ran 17 on Sunday, with the racing shoes. My first mile was sub 9 minutes, then mile two, then mile three. Then I decided to to do some marathon pace miles. Do them until I couldn't hang on anymore, or I hit 17 miles.

I saw a lot of sub 8's when I glanced at my watch, but nothing could prepare me for my garmin review when I hit 17. My average, for 17 miles, was 8:05 per mile. I started to cry, first with joy, then with fear that I had peaked...: -)

Sunday, I set out for 8 with JW and BJ at the river. Bill and I ended up with 7.5 averaging a little over 9 minutes per mile. Very little pain or soreness. I finished the day with a pilates class.

I declare myself ready for Boston 09!!

So day 1 of race day weather obsession: Rain

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can changed your life!

My community service announcement for day...has anyone ever run in racing flats??

I decided to make the investment. I wore them for the first time this a.m., for a track workout. I figured I would test them out and then wear them for a long run and if that felt good, take them to Boston. (Even though they are turquoise and my Boston outfit is fushia...I will have to top this all off with the yellow PTC hat and offend everyone...)

I should tell you, the last two weeks have had a lot of crappy runs. So crappy, I had to bail on a 17 miler on Saturday and take Marta home.

So yesterday I did 10, to remind myself, I can run, finished fast and was a little worried I might have done too much for today to go well.

I did a 5 mile warmup. I immediately loved the feel of the shoes. The two miles went as they always do, slow, trying to wake up. Then me, or shoes, freaking took off!!! I did the next two, sub 8?? Then a mile hill climb at 8:20? I was so happy, I ran another mile, just because, at 7:45???

Then I got to the park and thought, crap Amy, you still have to do 5 @ 600M. To make a long story short, my previous average for this workout was 2:36, about a 6:55 per mile pace. I am sure you know where this is going, today I average 2:29, with a 6:40 average.

I love my racing flats!!!

It wasn't a totally succesful morning. I ran in the park and took off long sleeve jersey to do the sprints. I always leave my gloves at the start and finish to have a start and stop line. Today I left my shirt also. I finished the last one and jogged back to the other end to get my shirt, and you guessed it, it was gone...they did leave my glove.

I guess I should be grateful that they waited until after I finished the last one to take the shirt, so that it didn't interrupt my concentration. I must have sensed it, when I dressed this a.m., knowing it was going to warm up, and I would want to take off my shirt, I wore an old one.

Did I tell you I love my racing flats?!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Speed Thrills!

This a.m. was my 4th speed workout of the training cycle. Which is 4 more than I did for Columbus and 3.75 more than I did for Boston last year! (Last year, I did one 800M, started the second and just stopped...and never went back...: - ) I hate speed work, but 4-4, yeah!

It was uneventful. Not my best paces, my warm up went slow and the track was heavy. It is packed dirt? And with a weekend of rain, it was messy and it slowed me down. That is my excuse anyway...: - )

My paces, if anyone is interested, are 5@600M based on the pace for a mile:


It is an average of 7:09, the goal was 7:05, but remember the dirt was heavy!

You will notice I picked up speed as I went along. I also picked up a cheering squad halfway in. There were some guys also doing speed drills and they would cheer me as I went by, starting with #3. Hey, I enjoy performing for a crowd...!

I was happy, happy with the consistency, getting out there when I don't want to do it. Last week, while in FL, I had to do 5@1000M. Kicked a$$. It was flat, no cars, I averaged 6:50, nice!

Last week was a lot of wine fueled drinking, so as you can imagine, wasn't great. I did those 1000's on my first morning there, so I wasn't drunk yet. I got the miles in, but they were unpleasant.

This is 'Peak Week', it is just work, sleep, eat and run, and try to make it to Sunday with 62 miles in the book.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Gasparilla 2009

A long overdue race report from was a really great race weekend. I landed in Tampa, to perfect weather, ditched my jacket immediately! M and I hit the expo, (always my weakness, but I did ok, it set me back a t-shirt, hat and new swim suit, which I actually needed!) Then we hit a restaurant patio, ahhh, Florida in the winter...: - )

To make a long story short, we headed back to the airport to pick up J, only to find out she had boarded a city bus. I didn't know Tampa had buses. She can travel by bus, because when we finally found her, she brought along a backpack, for the entire weekend. My hair upkeep alone needs a backpack?

Saturday was the 5K, which started at the very leisurely 9:30 a.m. That allowed us to hit the Marriott breakfast buffet!! Those of you who have traveled with me for races, know I love the breakfast buffet!!

Saturday a.m. was another beautiful Florida winter day, light breeze, tickling 75 degrees. The 5K start was packed. I am very conscientous about putting myself in an appropriate start, to my finishing time. M and I started at the front and were trying to work our way backwards. It was too crowded, we camped at the 25 minute finishing group. I compromised and told myself, I had paid it forward so many times, putting myself in the correct starting order, only to hit the riff raff in front of me. I shouldn't have worried, we never stopped passing people as the race went on.

We had a tough first mile,working through the riff raff, but by mile 2, we settled into a nice pace. I warned M, I would own her with .5 to go. There would be no quit. We dropped 3 minutes from WPB, so it was a very successful race!

We found J at the finish and just enjoyed the sun and a few beers at 11a.m.! We headed back to the expo, (of course). While J and M went ahead, I stopped for a massage on my calf. Of all the trials of the last 12 months, my calf had escaped unscathed, until now.

The expo got me again, this time, for my Boston Outfit. I found a really cute skirt and long sleeve top, to go with a top I had already purchased, and was debuting in Tampa! I will be pretty in (hot) pink!

So fast forward to the main event. It is windy, with predicted rain. I should I also say, at about 4 p.m. Saturday, we realized the half start was not at 8 a.m., but 6 a.m., hmmm, how did I miss that?

With a 3:45 wake up call, we are out the door at 5:15 a.m. (no buffet..: - ( It is windy, God's Fan, we would call it. God's Fan on high. As we lined up, the announcer told us the weather service had advised race officials that sometime in the race, there would be a period of intense rain, and 40 mph winds. As only runners up at 6 a.m. can do, we whooped it up, bring on the wind! Hey, there is always the chance it could be at your back?

It was a tough start, very crowded, no advance start for the wheelchair racers. Lot's of turns, onto cobblestone streets had me apprehensive. It wasn't until I got through the 3:30 marathon pace group, that I could settle in.

I found it humid, but J said later it didn't bother her. By mile 4, I was dumping water in me and on me. I was fine with my pace and felt I could challenge 1:40 until about mile 7, when the Squall moved in. Around mile 7, M saw me and yelled the wind would be at my back from here to the finish. Knowing I had to go out and back, for the final 6, I wondered how that would work?

Her info was bad. At mile 7.65, (I looked) I faced the Squall head on. I hate wind!! You have to run twice as hard. I went from a consistent 7:35 to 8:30. 1:40 was gone. But I must be growing up, because I was ok with it. I did start shouting at people, asking them where the turn around was, where I would be able to finish with this glorious wind at my back.

Race spectators have no sense of distance. For the last mile into the wind, it was: 'just up ahead', 'not too far' or the racer's favorite, 'you're almost there!' If I can't hold my breath, it is not close.

I made the turn, and I swear the wind stopped. At this point, with 2.5 to go, I just wanted to find my stride and finish strong. I 'turned it on' with a mile to go and a little bit into that, I feared I turned it on too soon. I thought I might be sick. Then I saw I girl in front on me with cute pink shorts, (my signature color) and set about catching her. I started this about 300 feet behind her.

At this point, I wished I had someone yelling at me, telling me to ignore the pain, focus on the finish and celebrate the final .5...this is why we train, right? For this moment. So I yelled at myself, with results. I closed the gap with Cute Pink Shorts girl. She saw me come along side of her and we raced to the finish. That is why we train. We did one of those hugs where you are really just holding each other up. The finish alone, erased any disappointment of missing the now elusive 1:40.

We found J and walked back to the hotel in the eye of the Squall. I will try to post the video. The weather completely sucked. The beach was out. But after bankrupting a buffet, we spent the afternoon in our hotel room, laughing uproariously at the photo's and video's of the weekend. Somehow, it was one of the best race weekends EVER. Thank you M and J, I can't wait until next year!

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Lost Week

Something is wrong...

All the old stuff? Clearing up, now the other leg decides it wants some attention. I ran 11 on Saturday, nothing special about it.

Well, I should say nothing special. I did a four mile warm up and then ran a 10K, (bandit) with some friends. They all wanted Peachtree qualifying times. I agreed to run at 8 mpm, (my marathon goal pace) which would get them in at the required 50 minutes. I got two of three through.

More fun, another friend wanted to break one hour. I ran 6 and went back to find her. I found her about .5 from the finish, and it would be close. I don't know her well, and didn't know how hard I could push her. I tried to stick to the basics, distraction and encouragement. We made it with 1:30 to spare. We were both thrilled. For me, it is the little victories that keep us going.

Back to me, I was out all day on Saturday. That is a lesson for me. I don't go out, this is what happens. I was on my feet, in boots, all day. I woke up Sunday a.m., (hungover) and with a tender pain behind my knee in my left leg...heretofore mentioned, 'the good leg.'

I am just ticked. Mad at myself for being out so long. I did fun an easy 6 yesterday. The pain seems to lessen as I get moving. I made an executive decision to not run today. Let it rest. I did my core stretching, got up, and the pain is lessoned/gone. When I sit, get up, it is back. I am just ticked!!

It was a lost week. I was supposed to take it easy, but I am not happy. It was a wasted week.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It was ok...

Today was my first speed workout in, a year. I don't like them. I would say hate, but that is such an ugly word, but it applies to my speedwork.

The morning called for 8, with 5@ 600M at my 5K race pace. I decided I would do a 5 mile warm up and finish at the park, get my 600's in and run a cool down to hit 8m.

I was up late, (for me) watching and voting for American Idol, (again, new blog material). And caught a news update about the weather, rain, wind, all day. Being that the weather channel can stick their out the window and correctly report the weather, I wasn't worried.

I got up at 5 a.m., heard the rain. Crap. With the needling, the race and a social outing this weekend, I don't have enough mornings to skip this workout and make it up this week.

So I dressed for the gym, and the treadmill. I will say I hate running on the treadmill, with no fears of appearing ugly. I hate it.

I was dressed, packed, walked outside. I noticed the pool looked calm. Thank you God!! Rain stopped. I checked the radar and it did appear I had a window. Quickly changed to outdoor running clothes.

So I am doing my warm up, and I pass a guy leaving the Marta wearing, 'The Jacket'! I was wearing the Adidas jacket. I gave him a shout-out and he saluted! We veterans have our language!

Back to the warmup. Three miles in I hear thunder. Crap. I make haste to the park, to do the 600's at the oval. I am doing them, outside.

So 5 at 600 meters. I hate these things. The first four go ok. I am supposed to jog in between but I walk, oh well. Number 5, not so good. I stop. 378m in. WTF? It's pouring, I am tired and I hate track work. I tell myself this entire morning will be a waste if I don't find the drive to run another 222m...pretty sad, huh? I found it.

The five averaged a 6:55 mpm pace. My 5K pace is 7:06, so ok. I walked home, in the rain, hitting 8 no longer seemed important. It was an ok workout.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Need more carbs!

I wanted to write this while the pain was fresh, so I would get it all down, re-read it, and learn from it! Like every run, every day, every everything, there was the good and the bad. And we will start with the bad...

I was beat. The plan called for 5 recovery, I did 4, it was all I could do. I had to coach myself for the last one. I avg 9:44, not bad for a recovery, and my HR was 138, I wasn't taxing anything. Why was I dying?

The good, I didn't eat enough recovery carbs yesterday. I am going to say that again, I didn't eat enough CARBS!!

When I finished my run at the river yesterday, I immediatley drank my protein sports drink and a homemade postrun treat. I weighed myself when I got home. I always weigh myself before and after every run. So my post run weight was 124.4. (I could start an entirely new blog on my weight...)

I tried not to stuff myself silly yesterday, as I normally do post run. I should have known something was wrong, when, hours after taking two advil p.m., I got up in the middle of the night and ate??

I woke up this a.m. at 124. I was happy, but knew that was not good. I weighed less than what I weighed post run, after eating?!? (For those keeping track, I weighted 123.8 post run this a.m.)

My running pants were happy...but I had nothing to run on this a.m.

Marathon training and weight loss is tough to balance, today was a lesson, off to eat come carbs!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just cause you say it, doesn't make it so...

Ok, today was 15 with 12 at marathon pace. I mentioned this yesterday. I hoped putting it in writing, would make it so...: - )

I was running with JW, who I have run with before, and a new J! The fact that I learned the new J is 25, made it ok that she could kick my (tight) a$$. Frankly, so can JW, but she is too pre-occupied with her HR to let her jets go...: - ) (At her coach's demand!)

The first three were so slow I was worried, and it was not them, it was me! From out of nowhere, we hit the first mp mile at 7:58?? First JW took off. I had wanted to stay within 8-8:10, and her HR dictated she needed to take off! I can't wait until she gets over Ironman stuff, she is going to BQ and then some when she gives into marathon training!

JW rejoined us around mile 8. Her day dictated 6 at a specific zone. So at mile 9, both J's headed back to the cars. I missed them, they were in front of me the last mile, and you need that, you need a rabbit. I made it another 4 miles on my own. I hit 10 at mp, and was spent. I cut the mp's short by two and did a really slow cool down.

Positive: 10 miles averaging 8 minutes per mile! MP!! Negative: only 10 of them, needed 12.

What I learned: I am running a half marathon in two weeks. If I don't hit 7:35 mpm I will be disappointed. The fact that I struggled to do 10 at 8 mpm, tells me, 8 may not be the pace I am capable of. I want it, but with running, that doesn't make it so. Running is honest, there are no lucky breaks or bases loaded home runs to save the day.

So back to what I learned. If I am going to give 7:35 a shot, I need a proper taper. I have never trained for a half. I do halfs in the middle of marathon training. So I don't taper and I don't properly recover. (that is a whole other lessons learned, still learning...)

I have got a great base for Boston, I can let up a little the next two weeks. Stay tuned. Just cause I say it, doesn't make it so...: - )

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Trusting the process...

After Sunday's 20 miler, Monday was a rest day, and I needed it. Tuesday was a recovery 6 miler, and I felt it.

Wednesday called for 14 easy. Two miles in, I went through my normal self doubt, and just kept on. I didn't hit a 9 mpm average until mile 6. I did a celebration and settled in for the next 8. I got close to the park with around 3 to go and let the jets go. I averaged 8:20 over the last 3 miles.

Thursday was needling! But we moved from my butt, to my hip. Not pleasant, but I reminded myself, the first day never is. Thursday's run plan called for 6, and I planned to move that Friday, my normal rest day. Saturday also called for 6. I decided, in light of speed work, aka race the previous Saturday, two days of 6 really amounted to nothing. So Friday was going to 10, and take Saturday off. Three days of rest with 45 miles...ahhhh.

So, Friday's 10, (still with me?)

I hit mile 1 at 9:23 and knew this was going to be a good run! I normally hit 1 at 9:45, even +10. By mile 3, I was under 9 mpm average. Mile 4 was 8:29, and would be one of my slowest miles after the warm up! The jets were on!

And the jets needed to slow down. Sunday is 15 with 12 at marathon pace. Strikes fear in my heart. I tell myself, we gotta slow down, the big day is Sunday! I finished the run averaging 8:33 with a heart rate of 152. Amy rocks!

Tomorrow is a big run, I kind of feel like I am cheating because I am doing it at the river. I have never actually accomplished one of these kind of workouts, so I am excited! My training has prepared me for this. All the slow, long runs of Nov and Dec prepared me for this. Bring it on!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Benchmark Weekend

It is real easy to write out a running plan. Mine normally start 18 weeks out. Prior to the official 'plan launch', I write out in my daytimer...(yes, I use a pen and a paper daytimer) every workout for the next 18 weeks.

10 miles at GA, followed by 8 miles, 2@5K with a 90 second jog in between. Then a 20 miler. Real easy to write down. Then I imagine what great shape I will be when I finish those workouts.

I am still imagining it.

So last week went something like this: Thursday, 8 miles, 4 warm up, 4 sub-8 mpm. In the book. Friday, off, also, in the book...: - ) So Saturday was a 10K race, to be followed by a 20 miler. Wow, that looks great on paper!

So I am lining up for race start with a tri club member, he is an accomplished triathlete, great runner. I ask him his goal for the race. He says 8's will make him happy...just wants to keep it together for his half next weekend and a full next month.

Well, I think, that is pretty responsible!! Amy, you have a 20 tomorrow, a half in three weeks and Boston in 10 weeks...(from today...: - )

I don't know if the warning was good or bad. I have a fear of going fast, of hurting myself, of bonking. I had an awful start. I am fast, I need to start at the front. It took me half a mile to catch a friend who ultimately finish in 53. After a 7:37 first mile, I finished the last 5.2 averaging about 7:15, ultimately, 45:52, fifth place in my age group, (of 113!) I wanted to break 45, but I am ok with 45:52.

I went out for a bit Saturday night and bragged how I was feeling no ill effects of the race. Might have been the beer. I got home, and everything felt tender. Aye crap, there goes Sunday.

I get up Sunday a.m., everything is still tender. I put extra money in shoe, like for a cab home. I get out there, and just tell myself to take is slow. We are in no hurry. I hit mile 5 and realize, things aren't so bad. Between 5 and 6, things just hurt to hurt, pangs of pain. I thought, WTF??

I had a long uphill. Pangs went away. So my body likes going uphill, lovely.

We'll skip ahead. I got stronger and more confident as the miles ticked away at a 9:12 pace. I remembered last week, I did 17, I remembered how I felt last week at 14, 15, 16, crap, crappier, crappiest.

Yesterday, I felt, 14, 15, 16 not bad, ok, we're gonna make it! Mile 20: 8:15!! I finished in the park and started jumping around! I was so happy! I pulled out a big double, and I felt GREAT!

Another tri friend once told me she admired me because I set a plan, and I just did it. I thought about that on the run. Thanks J...: - )

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A bullish trend...?

Those of you that speak to me in person, or more acurately, listen to me...know that I have been running in pain, pretty much since the summer. No amount of stretching, massage or rest has been able soothe my hamstrings or piriformis, (butt).

So if you have following this blog, or for a week...then you know I have started Dry Needling therapy. It sounds very painful, and it is, but it is working.

In the last week, my average pace per mile has been dropping and my heart rate has also dropped. That means I have to work less harder to get where I am going.

My Sunday long run was joy, really, 17 miles, averaging 9:01. I was really prepared to feel it on Monday, but again, I flew, at 8:37 per mile for 5 miles. I had to remind myself, this is recovery! So then we come to Tuesday, a 13 miler. I thought, this is where you pay.

The first two miles, I paid. In the middle of mile three, I thought, let's cut this short and try another day. Then something happened, I hit my stride. I hit a part of the route that is normally very taxing...and it wasn't.

The needling is working. Today, we needling my butt and my hamstring.

I am running a 10K on Saturday. Rubber meets the road, proof is in the pudding, put up or shut up. I would prefer the pudding. I am cautiously excited. I don't think it will be a PR, only because my PR was set on a course where everyone set a PR and I don't think it was really 10K!!

Running has always been my salvation, my escape, my measurement of worthiness. And it hasn't been worth much lately. But the market of Amy's running, is becoming quite bullish!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Not in my business, well maybe my butt!

Those of you that normally get your updates from me, personally, know...for months now, I have been suffering from a 'tight ass'...(does this thing have sensors?)

Medically, I have, piriformos issues. Laymen's terms, I have tight knots, deep in my butt. This causes or is caused by tight hamstrings...chicken and the egg story. Both will lead to lower back pain.

We have a triple winner!

Butt massages, are not all that, and for six months now, they are not working.

Yesterday was my second needling session. For those of you thinking ahead, yes, I got needles stuck in my butt. Sometimes they got stuck in gristle, a medical term, not an analogy for the junk in my trunk.

The first week, I cried. I cried when the needles were in my butt, I cried all the way home. I didn't know how I was going to make it the flight of stairs leading to my second floor condo. I cried because it was really cold and I thought I would die from hypothermia if I couldn't make it up the stairs.

Yesterday, no tears! It did not hurt nearly as much!! I was told the gristle was much more broken up, the needles were working! It probably helped that I sat on tennis balls most of the week. Being told you have gristle in your butt, is a call to action!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Speed Day

Every other week I have a run that incorporates 'X' number of half marathon pace miles. It scares me. First, I am an 'urban runner', I live in the city, which means traffic, and secondly, Atlanta is hilly! Finally, there is the pace, missing it is a huge confidence sucker.

So I wake up and check the weather...100% humidity, fantastic...

I get out there, plan for 4 warm up miles, 5 at pace, one cool down. I start all kinds of excuses, my hip, knee, back, hair, it all hurts, and I can't breathe.

I jump into the first mile, goal, 7:47, Amy: 7:39 whoo hoo! Miles 2-4, 7:47, (I am nothing if not goal oriented.) Mile 5: 7:35. I am thrilled, and fast!

Kidding aside, I am very surprised, I didn't think I was feeling it, and I was having some tummy issues, the coffee never kicked in. Today, this is a personal blog, but we might go live, so we will leave it at that. My problem is not running the hills, it is running them fast, for long periods of time.

Tomorrow is 'Needling', more on that, tomorrow.

Monday, January 26, 2009

12 weeks to go..

My first post...the last Monday, of the first month, of the last year before I turn 40. I think that is the first time I have written, I must pause and take a moment.

As if that thought wasn't bad enough, I weigh more today than I did last Monday, WTF?

Anyways, I had a good run this a.m. It was just recovery. I only ran 12 yesterday, so I was somewhat fresh on the legs. Garmin was having a bad day. On a bad Garmin Day, I hit mile 3 by 16th ST. Today was really bad, didn't hit it until almost 17th! To make up for that, I stopped running, .06 before the watch said mile 6. I have never done that. But I realized today, I am on the slope to 40, so it is time to shake things up!

I know I am vowed to pass along, really importany tips on life, cooking in a 600 sq ft condo and the weather, we're light on content today.

Oh, and 12 weeks today, Hopkinton to Boston!