Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just cause you say it, doesn't make it so...

Ok, today was 15 with 12 at marathon pace. I mentioned this yesterday. I hoped putting it in writing, would make it so...: - )

I was running with JW, who I have run with before, and a new J! The fact that I learned the new J is 25, made it ok that she could kick my (tight) a$$. Frankly, so can JW, but she is too pre-occupied with her HR to let her jets go...: - ) (At her coach's demand!)

The first three were so slow I was worried, and it was not them, it was me! From out of nowhere, we hit the first mp mile at 7:58?? First JW took off. I had wanted to stay within 8-8:10, and her HR dictated she needed to take off! I can't wait until she gets over Ironman stuff, she is going to BQ and then some when she gives into marathon training!

JW rejoined us around mile 8. Her day dictated 6 at a specific zone. So at mile 9, both J's headed back to the cars. I missed them, they were in front of me the last mile, and you need that, you need a rabbit. I made it another 4 miles on my own. I hit 10 at mp, and was spent. I cut the mp's short by two and did a really slow cool down.

Positive: 10 miles averaging 8 minutes per mile! MP!! Negative: only 10 of them, needed 12.

What I learned: I am running a half marathon in two weeks. If I don't hit 7:35 mpm I will be disappointed. The fact that I struggled to do 10 at 8 mpm, tells me, 8 may not be the pace I am capable of. I want it, but with running, that doesn't make it so. Running is honest, there are no lucky breaks or bases loaded home runs to save the day.

So back to what I learned. If I am going to give 7:35 a shot, I need a proper taper. I have never trained for a half. I do halfs in the middle of marathon training. So I don't taper and I don't properly recover. (that is a whole other lessons learned, still learning...)

I have got a great base for Boston, I can let up a little the next two weeks. Stay tuned. Just cause I say it, doesn't make it so...: - )

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