Monday, February 9, 2009

Benchmark Weekend

It is real easy to write out a running plan. Mine normally start 18 weeks out. Prior to the official 'plan launch', I write out in my daytimer...(yes, I use a pen and a paper daytimer) every workout for the next 18 weeks.

10 miles at GA, followed by 8 miles, 2@5K with a 90 second jog in between. Then a 20 miler. Real easy to write down. Then I imagine what great shape I will be when I finish those workouts.

I am still imagining it.

So last week went something like this: Thursday, 8 miles, 4 warm up, 4 sub-8 mpm. In the book. Friday, off, also, in the book...: - ) So Saturday was a 10K race, to be followed by a 20 miler. Wow, that looks great on paper!

So I am lining up for race start with a tri club member, he is an accomplished triathlete, great runner. I ask him his goal for the race. He says 8's will make him happy...just wants to keep it together for his half next weekend and a full next month.

Well, I think, that is pretty responsible!! Amy, you have a 20 tomorrow, a half in three weeks and Boston in 10 weeks...(from today...: - )

I don't know if the warning was good or bad. I have a fear of going fast, of hurting myself, of bonking. I had an awful start. I am fast, I need to start at the front. It took me half a mile to catch a friend who ultimately finish in 53. After a 7:37 first mile, I finished the last 5.2 averaging about 7:15, ultimately, 45:52, fifth place in my age group, (of 113!) I wanted to break 45, but I am ok with 45:52.

I went out for a bit Saturday night and bragged how I was feeling no ill effects of the race. Might have been the beer. I got home, and everything felt tender. Aye crap, there goes Sunday.

I get up Sunday a.m., everything is still tender. I put extra money in shoe, like for a cab home. I get out there, and just tell myself to take is slow. We are in no hurry. I hit mile 5 and realize, things aren't so bad. Between 5 and 6, things just hurt to hurt, pangs of pain. I thought, WTF??

I had a long uphill. Pangs went away. So my body likes going uphill, lovely.

We'll skip ahead. I got stronger and more confident as the miles ticked away at a 9:12 pace. I remembered last week, I did 17, I remembered how I felt last week at 14, 15, 16, crap, crappier, crappiest.

Yesterday, I felt, 14, 15, 16 not bad, ok, we're gonna make it! Mile 20: 8:15!! I finished in the park and started jumping around! I was so happy! I pulled out a big double, and I felt GREAT!

Another tri friend once told me she admired me because I set a plan, and I just did it. I thought about that on the run. Thanks J...: - )

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