Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A bullish trend...?

Those of you that speak to me in person, or more acurately, listen to me...know that I have been running in pain, pretty much since the summer. No amount of stretching, massage or rest has been able soothe my hamstrings or piriformis, (butt).

So if you have following this blog, or for a week...then you know I have started Dry Needling therapy. It sounds very painful, and it is, but it is working.

In the last week, my average pace per mile has been dropping and my heart rate has also dropped. That means I have to work less harder to get where I am going.

My Sunday long run was joy, really, 17 miles, averaging 9:01. I was really prepared to feel it on Monday, but again, I flew, at 8:37 per mile for 5 miles. I had to remind myself, this is recovery! So then we come to Tuesday, a 13 miler. I thought, this is where you pay.

The first two miles, I paid. In the middle of mile three, I thought, let's cut this short and try another day. Then something happened, I hit my stride. I hit a part of the route that is normally very taxing...and it wasn't.

The needling is working. Today, we needling my butt and my hamstring.

I am running a 10K on Saturday. Rubber meets the road, proof is in the pudding, put up or shut up. I would prefer the pudding. I am cautiously excited. I don't think it will be a PR, only because my PR was set on a course where everyone set a PR and I don't think it was really 10K!!

Running has always been my salvation, my escape, my measurement of worthiness. And it hasn't been worth much lately. But the market of Amy's running, is becoming quite bullish!

1 comment:

  1. hai amy...

    maybe i'm too young to know you...

    i'm angga, nice to meet you...

    if you have a time, try to come to my blog

    maybe my blog is not good, but a try to make it awsome ha..ha...

    i'm indonesian...

    Have a nice Run...
