Monday, February 23, 2009

The Lost Week

Something is wrong...

All the old stuff? Clearing up, now the other leg decides it wants some attention. I ran 11 on Saturday, nothing special about it.

Well, I should say nothing special. I did a four mile warm up and then ran a 10K, (bandit) with some friends. They all wanted Peachtree qualifying times. I agreed to run at 8 mpm, (my marathon goal pace) which would get them in at the required 50 minutes. I got two of three through.

More fun, another friend wanted to break one hour. I ran 6 and went back to find her. I found her about .5 from the finish, and it would be close. I don't know her well, and didn't know how hard I could push her. I tried to stick to the basics, distraction and encouragement. We made it with 1:30 to spare. We were both thrilled. For me, it is the little victories that keep us going.

Back to me, I was out all day on Saturday. That is a lesson for me. I don't go out, this is what happens. I was on my feet, in boots, all day. I woke up Sunday a.m., (hungover) and with a tender pain behind my knee in my left leg...heretofore mentioned, 'the good leg.'

I am just ticked. Mad at myself for being out so long. I did fun an easy 6 yesterday. The pain seems to lessen as I get moving. I made an executive decision to not run today. Let it rest. I did my core stretching, got up, and the pain is lessoned/gone. When I sit, get up, it is back. I am just ticked!!

It was a lost week. I was supposed to take it easy, but I am not happy. It was a wasted week.

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