Saturday, February 14, 2009

Trusting the process...

After Sunday's 20 miler, Monday was a rest day, and I needed it. Tuesday was a recovery 6 miler, and I felt it.

Wednesday called for 14 easy. Two miles in, I went through my normal self doubt, and just kept on. I didn't hit a 9 mpm average until mile 6. I did a celebration and settled in for the next 8. I got close to the park with around 3 to go and let the jets go. I averaged 8:20 over the last 3 miles.

Thursday was needling! But we moved from my butt, to my hip. Not pleasant, but I reminded myself, the first day never is. Thursday's run plan called for 6, and I planned to move that Friday, my normal rest day. Saturday also called for 6. I decided, in light of speed work, aka race the previous Saturday, two days of 6 really amounted to nothing. So Friday was going to 10, and take Saturday off. Three days of rest with 45 miles...ahhhh.

So, Friday's 10, (still with me?)

I hit mile 1 at 9:23 and knew this was going to be a good run! I normally hit 1 at 9:45, even +10. By mile 3, I was under 9 mpm average. Mile 4 was 8:29, and would be one of my slowest miles after the warm up! The jets were on!

And the jets needed to slow down. Sunday is 15 with 12 at marathon pace. Strikes fear in my heart. I tell myself, we gotta slow down, the big day is Sunday! I finished the run averaging 8:33 with a heart rate of 152. Amy rocks!

Tomorrow is a big run, I kind of feel like I am cheating because I am doing it at the river. I have never actually accomplished one of these kind of workouts, so I am excited! My training has prepared me for this. All the slow, long runs of Nov and Dec prepared me for this. Bring it on!

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