Monday, February 16, 2009

Need more carbs!

I wanted to write this while the pain was fresh, so I would get it all down, re-read it, and learn from it! Like every run, every day, every everything, there was the good and the bad. And we will start with the bad...

I was beat. The plan called for 5 recovery, I did 4, it was all I could do. I had to coach myself for the last one. I avg 9:44, not bad for a recovery, and my HR was 138, I wasn't taxing anything. Why was I dying?

The good, I didn't eat enough recovery carbs yesterday. I am going to say that again, I didn't eat enough CARBS!!

When I finished my run at the river yesterday, I immediatley drank my protein sports drink and a homemade postrun treat. I weighed myself when I got home. I always weigh myself before and after every run. So my post run weight was 124.4. (I could start an entirely new blog on my weight...)

I tried not to stuff myself silly yesterday, as I normally do post run. I should have known something was wrong, when, hours after taking two advil p.m., I got up in the middle of the night and ate??

I woke up this a.m. at 124. I was happy, but knew that was not good. I weighed less than what I weighed post run, after eating?!? (For those keeping track, I weighted 123.8 post run this a.m.)

My running pants were happy...but I had nothing to run on this a.m.

Marathon training and weight loss is tough to balance, today was a lesson, off to eat come carbs!

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