Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It was ok...

Today was my first speed workout in, a year. I don't like them. I would say hate, but that is such an ugly word, but it applies to my speedwork.

The morning called for 8, with 5@ 600M at my 5K race pace. I decided I would do a 5 mile warm up and finish at the park, get my 600's in and run a cool down to hit 8m.

I was up late, (for me) watching and voting for American Idol, (again, new blog material). And caught a news update about the weather, rain, wind, all day. Being that the weather channel can stick their out the window and correctly report the weather, I wasn't worried.

I got up at 5 a.m., heard the rain. Crap. With the needling, the race and a social outing this weekend, I don't have enough mornings to skip this workout and make it up this week.

So I dressed for the gym, and the treadmill. I will say I hate running on the treadmill, with no fears of appearing ugly. I hate it.

I was dressed, packed, walked outside. I noticed the pool looked calm. Thank you God!! Rain stopped. I checked the radar and it did appear I had a window. Quickly changed to outdoor running clothes.

So I am doing my warm up, and I pass a guy leaving the Marta wearing, 'The Jacket'! I was wearing the Adidas jacket. I gave him a shout-out and he saluted! We veterans have our language!

Back to the warmup. Three miles in I hear thunder. Crap. I make haste to the park, to do the 600's at the oval. I am doing them, outside.

So 5 at 600 meters. I hate these things. The first four go ok. I am supposed to jog in between but I walk, oh well. Number 5, not so good. I stop. 378m in. WTF? It's pouring, I am tired and I hate track work. I tell myself this entire morning will be a waste if I don't find the drive to run another 222m...pretty sad, huh? I found it.

The five averaged a 6:55 mpm pace. My 5K pace is 7:06, so ok. I walked home, in the rain, hitting 8 no longer seemed important. It was an ok workout.

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