Thursday, January 29, 2009


Not in my business, well maybe my butt!

Those of you that normally get your updates from me, personally, know...for months now, I have been suffering from a 'tight ass'...(does this thing have sensors?)

Medically, I have, piriformos issues. Laymen's terms, I have tight knots, deep in my butt. This causes or is caused by tight hamstrings...chicken and the egg story. Both will lead to lower back pain.

We have a triple winner!

Butt massages, are not all that, and for six months now, they are not working.

Yesterday was my second needling session. For those of you thinking ahead, yes, I got needles stuck in my butt. Sometimes they got stuck in gristle, a medical term, not an analogy for the junk in my trunk.

The first week, I cried. I cried when the needles were in my butt, I cried all the way home. I didn't know how I was going to make it the flight of stairs leading to my second floor condo. I cried because it was really cold and I thought I would die from hypothermia if I couldn't make it up the stairs.

Yesterday, no tears! It did not hurt nearly as much!! I was told the gristle was much more broken up, the needles were working! It probably helped that I sat on tennis balls most of the week. Being told you have gristle in your butt, is a call to action!

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