Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can changed your life!

My community service announcement for day...has anyone ever run in racing flats??

I decided to make the investment. I wore them for the first time this a.m., for a track workout. I figured I would test them out and then wear them for a long run and if that felt good, take them to Boston. (Even though they are turquoise and my Boston outfit is fushia...I will have to top this all off with the yellow PTC hat and offend everyone...)

I should tell you, the last two weeks have had a lot of crappy runs. So crappy, I had to bail on a 17 miler on Saturday and take Marta home.

So yesterday I did 10, to remind myself, I can run, finished fast and was a little worried I might have done too much for today to go well.

I did a 5 mile warmup. I immediately loved the feel of the shoes. The two miles went as they always do, slow, trying to wake up. Then me, or shoes, freaking took off!!! I did the next two, sub 8?? Then a mile hill climb at 8:20? I was so happy, I ran another mile, just because, at 7:45???

Then I got to the park and thought, crap Amy, you still have to do 5 @ 600M. To make a long story short, my previous average for this workout was 2:36, about a 6:55 per mile pace. I am sure you know where this is going, today I average 2:29, with a 6:40 average.

I love my racing flats!!!

It wasn't a totally succesful morning. I ran in the park and took off long sleeve jersey to do the sprints. I always leave my gloves at the start and finish to have a start and stop line. Today I left my shirt also. I finished the last one and jogged back to the other end to get my shirt, and you guessed it, it was gone...they did leave my glove.

I guess I should be grateful that they waited until after I finished the last one to take the shirt, so that it didn't interrupt my concentration. I must have sensed it, when I dressed this a.m., knowing it was going to warm up, and I would want to take off my shirt, I wore an old one.

Did I tell you I love my racing flats?!

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