Thursday, January 29, 2009


Not in my business, well maybe my butt!

Those of you that normally get your updates from me, personally, know...for months now, I have been suffering from a 'tight ass'...(does this thing have sensors?)

Medically, I have, piriformos issues. Laymen's terms, I have tight knots, deep in my butt. This causes or is caused by tight hamstrings...chicken and the egg story. Both will lead to lower back pain.

We have a triple winner!

Butt massages, are not all that, and for six months now, they are not working.

Yesterday was my second needling session. For those of you thinking ahead, yes, I got needles stuck in my butt. Sometimes they got stuck in gristle, a medical term, not an analogy for the junk in my trunk.

The first week, I cried. I cried when the needles were in my butt, I cried all the way home. I didn't know how I was going to make it the flight of stairs leading to my second floor condo. I cried because it was really cold and I thought I would die from hypothermia if I couldn't make it up the stairs.

Yesterday, no tears! It did not hurt nearly as much!! I was told the gristle was much more broken up, the needles were working! It probably helped that I sat on tennis balls most of the week. Being told you have gristle in your butt, is a call to action!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Speed Day

Every other week I have a run that incorporates 'X' number of half marathon pace miles. It scares me. First, I am an 'urban runner', I live in the city, which means traffic, and secondly, Atlanta is hilly! Finally, there is the pace, missing it is a huge confidence sucker.

So I wake up and check the weather...100% humidity, fantastic...

I get out there, plan for 4 warm up miles, 5 at pace, one cool down. I start all kinds of excuses, my hip, knee, back, hair, it all hurts, and I can't breathe.

I jump into the first mile, goal, 7:47, Amy: 7:39 whoo hoo! Miles 2-4, 7:47, (I am nothing if not goal oriented.) Mile 5: 7:35. I am thrilled, and fast!

Kidding aside, I am very surprised, I didn't think I was feeling it, and I was having some tummy issues, the coffee never kicked in. Today, this is a personal blog, but we might go live, so we will leave it at that. My problem is not running the hills, it is running them fast, for long periods of time.

Tomorrow is 'Needling', more on that, tomorrow.

Monday, January 26, 2009

12 weeks to go..

My first post...the last Monday, of the first month, of the last year before I turn 40. I think that is the first time I have written, I must pause and take a moment.

As if that thought wasn't bad enough, I weigh more today than I did last Monday, WTF?

Anyways, I had a good run this a.m. It was just recovery. I only ran 12 yesterday, so I was somewhat fresh on the legs. Garmin was having a bad day. On a bad Garmin Day, I hit mile 3 by 16th ST. Today was really bad, didn't hit it until almost 17th! To make up for that, I stopped running, .06 before the watch said mile 6. I have never done that. But I realized today, I am on the slope to 40, so it is time to shake things up!

I know I am vowed to pass along, really importany tips on life, cooking in a 600 sq ft condo and the weather, we're light on content today.

Oh, and 12 weeks today, Hopkinton to Boston!